Science is a very practical subject and is one where you need to understand and grasp the chapters and not memorize them. For this reason Science is a subject which must be studied throughout the year and not last minute. Here are a few tips to study for your science exam:

2) Pay Attention: Write notes in every science class you take. Review every note you take until the night before the exam. Paying attention in class is very important as you only need to go home and revise then, you need not have to learn from scratch.

3) Attend Practicals: Most science classes consist of a few labs across the year. Attend these without fail, as it helps you actually understand the things you are studying from your book. Take every science lab you do seriously. A science lab project gets you into the scientific mindset. You want to be in this mindset before the exam. Do your science labs like your life depend on it--even though it's a classroom controlled lab. Hands on knowledge of the scientific process makes science exam taking easy.
4) Study in a group: Get together with your friends taking the same science class and form a study group. This group can also include other students taking another science class under the same instructor. Assign a series of chapters per person; quiz each other based on these chapters. Use your study group as an oral practice run for your science exam.
5) Revise and Practice: A week prior to your exam, make sure you are well versed with the subject and have had enough practice of theory as well as numerical sums to make sure you are ready for the exams.
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