Monday 7 October 2013

Feeling the Math Blues?? Keep CALM and overcome your difficulties!!

Mathematics is a subject which requires a lot of practice and dedication, no matter how intelligent you are. It's not like some of the other subjects where you can just memorize and do well, it needs understanding and patience. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your maths exam: 

1) Start solving problems well in advance so you have time to ask your teachers for help and clear some doubts which you may have. 

2) Try understanding how the formula is derived, or why you are using it thereby reducing your chances of forgetting it. 

3) Take breaks while studying this particular subject as it can get to your head. 

4) Go through all the classwork a week or so before your exams. This enables you to revise all that has been done and gives you insight on things you need to practice. 

5) Lastly, make sure to get at least 7 - 9 hours sleep before your exam, as you want your mind to be fresh and ready for the exam and not sleepy or saturated. 

Another problem which people face with a maths exam is not being able to complete their paper. Here are some techniques you could use to actually complete your paper without any hassles: 

1) Understand your Exam: 

Make sure you understand your paper pattern and options. This is vital for selecting questions and understanding which questions you will need to attempt. 

2) Use your Reading Time: 

When you are given 15 minutes to read your paper, do exactly that. Do not look around and throw away these valuable minutes, instead use this time effectively and make sure you know in your mind which questions you are going to attempt in the first 15 minutes itself. 

3) Do not worry: 

When you've seen tough questions in your paper, do not panic. If you are completely blank then go to the next question and come back once your paper is done. Tough questions are meant to test your thinking ability, so think practically and try to come up with a solution. 

4) Ensure Speed and Accuracy: 

Use quicker methods in calculations to ensure that you are not wasting time and your answers are correct. Mostly, we take a lot of time to solve a problem if we happen to make some error in the process.

For example, if you make an error in the sign of a term (+/-), you may not be able to solve questions involving quadratic equations or linear equations. Therefore avoiding silly mistakes is very important to save time.

5) Keep an eye on your watch: 

Just keep a track of time and make sure you are on schedule and are not spending too much time on one question. 

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