Friday 7 September 2012

Top 10 Tips to Ace your exams

We've gone through a number of informative websites and research and come up with what we feel are the top 10 tips to ace your exams.
1)  Do All the Coursework – Ensure that before you start really studying for your exams, that you have all the readings, practice problems, and homework assignments complete!
2)  Create Mnemonics - Mnemonics are devices that can help you memorize formulas, key concepts, definitions, etc. A really basic example of a mnemonic is “B.E.D.M.A.S.” which stands for “Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction”.
3)  Make Study Guides for Each Exam - Know what class content will be covered on the exam and then go through the textbook, your class notes, and any other material and write down any information that you think may be on the exam (including: important concepts, definitions, and formulas). Reading and writing all of this information will help you memorize it faster.
4)  Make Flash Cards - Making flash cards can be time consuming, but they are helpful tools in remembering vocabulary, formulas, and key concepts. They are also easy to carry around with you so you can review them anytime.

5)  Quiz Yourself - To ensure that you are prepared for your exam, make a mock exam to
test how well you know the material. Write down a list of keywords or questions and
make sure to leave room underneath each one. Then, pretend that you’re taking the
exam and write down as much as you can.
6) Get Enough Sleep - College students who get a full night of sleep are more alert,
more focused and learn things easier than those who are sleep deprived. Especially
during the weeks preceding exams keep your sleep schedule as consistent as
7)  Set Exam Preparation Goals - Setting goals for yourself will help make sure that
you stay on track with your exam preparations (especially when you have more than
1 exam to study for). Be sure to print out your schedule for the weeks preceding
your exams and plan out when you are going to study! You’re more likely to be
productive if you have goals to achieve.
8)  Remember to Take Breaks - Studying for exams can be hard. You need to take short breaks to allow your brain to process and retain the information. Be sure to take short breaks, otherwise, it may be hard to go back to studying. When you begin studying again, review the material you have already studied, then, move on to something new.
9)  Don't Just Study Alone - Studying with other people can be a great way to enhance
what you learn while studying on your own. Not only will you learn new material with others, but also you can get some insight which you did not already have.
10)  Just keep it interesting, don't get bored. See if you can apply things to real life and constantly look for examples. If you are interested in what you're studying then you can learn much more and at a much faster rate.

Also, you can check out our facebook page for videos, pictures and really cool articles at  and follow us on twitter at @Myskoolshop

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