Monday 26 November 2012

Books are Forever

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” 

- Marcus Tullius Cicero 

Even with such amazing technology in the world today, nothing can replace the good old fashioned way of studying, a pen, a paper and a textbook. While educational apps are a good addition to studying with books, they are definitely not a substitute. You need to physically write, practice, highlight and go over points the old fashioned way to actually grasp the subject and make the most of your time studying. As they say, old is gold. 

One of the negative points about digital books has to be the temptation to get distracted easily. Since these digital books are on platforms like the iPad, there are so many other apps like games, sports, news, etc and these are really distracting as they are just a hand movement away. The tendency to focus solely on your studies is taken away by digital books. 

Also, physical books are really pleasing, the texture of the pages, the feel of the book, are all factors that make you savor and love books. Books are also much better for the eyes, as the constant staring at a back-lit  screen will definitely strain your eyes and mind. 

Books are the one thing, that will always be around, and will never have an expiration date whether its for studying or just casual reading. 

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