Wednesday 19 December 2012

Hobbies for Students: Sports

Whatever point you are in your life, you always need some kind of physical activity to keep fit and healthy. The advantage of being a student is that you can easily make time and grab the opportunity to take a sport. Playing a sport is very good for body and mind, and they are really awesome fun. Whether its football, cricket, tennis, table tennis or any other sport, the sheer determination to win and giving your best shot makes sport something really unique and amazing. Here are some reasons why you should take up sports as a hobby for school: 

1) Get Popular!!

Sports are generally team games and you tend to make a lot of friends by playing everyday or every few days. Playing is a great way of meeting more people and making new friends, which could go a long way in the future. 

2) Look Awesome!!

Research has shown that kids who play sports, especially girls, tend to have a positive body image, a healthy mind and high self-esteem. Playing sports as a child has a lot of advantages towards your appearance, so we advise you to follow a sport religiously. 

3) Learn the Lessons of Life

Sports teach you a lot of important lessons in life. Even if you give it everything, you can still lose, you may lose because of a mistake, you learn how to be a team player and you learn how to plan and coordinate. These lessons are vital for the future. 

4) Get Smart!!

Research and studies have shown that students who take up sports are more likely to achieve academic success as well as more likely to graduate from high school. The reason is that sports makes your mind very sharp and attentive, which also helps when you are studying.  Motor skills, strategic thinking, and even math skills are learned by playing sports. Students develop strategic thinking as they figure out plays and the best way to get around a player or score a goal. Math skills are used as they calculate scores and stats.

We hope you decide to take up sports, come back tomorrow for learning about how to make a career in sport!

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