Monday 7 January 2013

New Years Resolution: Improve your Scientific Knowledge

Studying science is like studying the building blocks of life. Everything that you interact with on a daily basis, whether its watching Television, surfing the internet, playing a game or even heating your food and taking a shower, is all a result of science and advancements. To gain a better understanding as to how the world works and why, we recommend that, one of your New Years Resolutions must be to improve your scientific knowledge. 

Why should you be updated with Science and its applications?

Science is broadly divided into Physics, Chemistry and Biology, with each of these sciences teaching you a range of different things and why things happen the way they do. Here are a few facts that you learn about by keeping updated with these sciences:

Biology: Is the study of everything alive. It not only teaches you about plants and animals, but it also tells you about the human body and how it functions. Biologists look to cure diseases and make life simple for all of us, the least we can do is remain updated with their hard work, so we know what to look forward to in the future. 

Chemistry: Chemistry is like the central science, and it is involved in physics as well as biology. Chemical reactions, chemical bonding and various other chemistry related processes are highly important for various different things that take place in the world. Keeping updated with this science, can really help you understand things you did not before, and why certain things happen, the way they do. 

Physics: Physics is a science which can explain millions of things to you. It is the answer to a lot of amazing things about our universe and the way it works. It teaches you about different occurrences and phenomena in the universe, and physics is a subject that can satisfy the curious mind. 

How can you keep updated with science?

Here are a couple of websites with articles and stories that are updated on daily basis, that you can keep going through from time to time, and learn something new about science: 



We wish you well with your New Years Resolutions, and hope you choose improving your scientific knowledge as one of them. 

Also, you can check out our Facebook page for videos, pictures and really cool articles at and follow us on twitter at @Myskoolshop

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