Saturday 5 January 2013

New Years Resolution: Study Harder

Its finally 2013, and the New Year has begun, and so has all the unreal New Year's Resolutions. These resolutions are seldom kept by people, but the people who do keep them have a very strong willpower and will do well in life. 

The best resolution which is actually possible to keep, is definitely the simple resolution of working and studying harder. Assess the previous year, and think about all the things you could have done better and try to plan out a few steps to help you improve yourself. As a student, the best resolution is definitely to study harder, not just for your parents and teachers, but for yourself. Here are a few reasons why you should keep the resolution promise you make to yourself:

1) New years are like fresh sheets with nothing written on them: we have the chance to imagine what we want and make plans toward achieving what we dream of. 

2) New Years Resolutions help you at least recognize the areas in your life which need improvement, so you can start working on it. For example: If you are getting lower grades in Mathematics, maybe this year you can give more time towards that subject. 

3) If you are able to successfully keep your resolutions, its an amazing feeling. You gain a lot of willpower, and have a sense of accomplishment which can help you tremendously for future aspirations. 

These are just a few of the reasons to keep resolutions, but, setting resolutions is much easier than actually following them. Here are a few tips on how to keep your resolutions: 

1) Keep your self constantly motivated, everyday of the week. 

2)  Break your big goal down into smaller ones. If you plan to achieve something by the end of the year, think of these mini-goals that will help you keep tabs on your success. Outline monthly goals or even weekly targets, so you know exactly where you are.

3)  Track your progress.

4) Carve out time in your schedule. Organize your day in a well maintained and detailed manner with a daily schedule that will help you figure out how to make time for yourself. 

Finally, when the end of the year approaches, be sure to assess what you achieved and enjoy your success before making new plans.

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