If you love studying different regions and the climate, exploring the unknown and understanding the known places on this planet, then you love geography. Geography is the study of the planet we live on, and it involves science, maths and much more. Contrary to belief there are a wide range of careers for geography majors, which we will discuss in detail a little later in the week. Today we'll learn about what geography is, and why you should study it in school.
What is geography?
Geography is, first and foremost a science,which studies the lands, the features of the lands, the inhabitants and the phenomenon of the earth. Briefly speaking, Geography can be subdivided into two main categories, Physical Geography and Human Geography.
Physical Geography:
Is basically an earth science, that deals with climate, oceanography, glaciology and various other earthly phenomena.
Human Geography:
Is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape the human society. It encompasses the human, cultural, economic and social aspects. It deals with things like Geo-politics, Transportation Geography, Demography etc.
This a a very basic definition of geography, for a detailed study you can check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography
Why Study Geography?
Geography is a vast field and there are various reasons as to why we should study this really amazing and interesting subject. Some of these reasons are:
Understanding the Planet:
Studying geography can give an individual valuable insight into our planet and why things happen. It helps in understanding various natural phenomena and the power of mother earth. Those who study geography are well-positioned to comprehend and explain global political issues that occur between countries, cultures, cities and their hinterlands, and between regions within countries.

Those who study geography, learn the difference between the different regions of the world. Some geographers, devote their lives to studying and researching a specific region or country in the world, and they research a host of different things like, food habits, consumption patterns, languages, research etc. Researchers in geographic hot-spots find a host of career opportunities.
Being a Global Citizen:
In addition to knowing about our planet and its people, those who choose to study geography will learn to think critically, research, and communicate their thoughts through writing and other means of communication independently. They will thus have skills that are valued in all careers.
Career Opportunities:
Studying geography as a major has tremendous scope and a lot of career opportunities, which pay really well. We'll speak about careers in detail later on in the week as mentioned earlier.
These are just some of the reason why geography is so important. We hope you liked today's article and come back tomorrow for more on studying geography and tips to keep it interesting.
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